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NFT Begineer Pack


START as the NFT Owner / Investor within 48 hours

Start with our NFT Pack

  • Best Value

    PYOBeer NFT beginner

    PYObeer NFT (USD98) & all NFT tools for NFT investment
    • 1. Metamask Wallet Account with Matic Mainnet
    • 2. Discord account with Whitelist Member role in PYOBeer
    • 3. One unique PYOBeer NFT (USD98) at Polygon at ERC721
    • 4. PYOBeer NFT Owner Benefits base on Rarity
    • 5. Enjoy all Whitelist rights of coming PYOBeer
    • 6. 3 months Email / WhatsApp support
    • 1. Metamask 錢包一個
    • 2. DISCORD 戶口一個及PYOBEER NFT 白名單角色
    • 3. 在 POLYGON ERC 721 的 PYOBEER NFT
    • 4. 跟據抽中的角色的會員優惠及分成
    • 5. 所有 PYOBEER 往後項目的白名單
    • 6. 三個月電郵及WhatsApp 支援服務
Pricing plan

Start your Metaverse Journey with Long term and Potential NFT


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